Pussy - the power between your legs

5-day retreat for women (in German)

Imagine a world where female genitalia is not condemned, punished or fought against, but rather revered as it once was. Imagine a world where women remember what a magical world of wonder they carry within them.

Our pussy (I like to use this word because for me it combines vulva and vagina) symbolizes our deep connection to sexuality and life force. It not only influences our sexual pleasure, but also our creativity, our self-confidence and our zest for life. This energy encourages us to live our sexuality without shame, to love our bodies and to live more consciously in the here and now. It reminds us of the sacred nature of this energy, which is revered in many cultures and can give us strength and inspiration.

With a vibrant and activated pussy, you can experience how sensuality unfolds through your body, how you feel more powerful and how a deep gratitude for life germinates within you. Take a moment, dive in and feel your pussy. Does it feel seen, appreciated and alive? Or does it perhaps exist in secret, judged or ignored?

The connection to our genitals is easily lost in a world that often overlooks or even condemns their power and magic. The various exercises and activations for your pussy can help you to experience a sensual connection with it. Let it shine, sparkle and blossom in ecstasy - with or without a partner in your life.


In the 5 day retreat you get:

  • An insight into the history of the Pussy
  • Anatomy (believe me, there's more to discover than you might think!)
  • Various exercises on the topics of acceptance, breathing and feeling
  • Genital Meditation
  • Establish a connection to the force in the pelvis
  • Yoni Puja
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Pussy Party
  • a Happy Pussy Balm (made by Iva herself)


This workshop is for you if:

  • you feel a deep longing to reconnect with your womb space
  • you feel like really getting into your power
  • you want to experience a new potential of your lust
  • you are ready for change and your next level


If you feel the sensual magic of your pussy light up at the thought of this excursion, then you've come to the right place. Together we will explore the secrets that this unique energy awakens and unfolds in you.

It comes alive!


07-12 May

Tuesday 18:00 to Sunday 12:00

In the Breitenteicher Mill

Price: €650 or €590 if you bring a friend. Of this, €300 is a non-refundable deposit.


Accommodation and meals are extra and are paid directly to the retreat center. The meal consists of organic breakfast, lunch and dinner. Accommodation is up to you. Booking board and lodging

€650 (€300 deposit)